GPT4 is here and we like it


Open AI has just launched GPT-4, a vastly superior advancement on ChatGPT that can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy, improved creativity and collaboration.

What is GPT-4?

GPT-4 is a large-scale, multimodal model that can process both image and text inputs and produce text outputs. Its main goal is to improve the ability to understand and generate natural language text, particularly in more complex and nuanced scenarios.

So what can GPT-4 do?

Coding generation

In addition to generating human language, it will also generate computer languages. For software engineers, GPT-4 can create computer code using Javascript, Python, and C++, which are frequently used in software development, web development, and data analytics. It can literally turn an idea written on a napkin into a fully functional website using code. Cool hey?

With this advancement, programmers and software developers can use GPT-4 to do the more routine computer programming tasks, allowing them time to spend on the planning, analysis and strategy. And of course, the key is knowing what to ask ChatGPT and ensuring the response solves the problem.

Visual inputs

Good news, users can now input questions with both texts and images, expanding the scope of the model’s capabilities to visual tasks. 

By using text and images, GPT-4 can generate outputs across a range of domains such as text documents with images, diagrams, and screenshots. The model’s ability to handle visual inputs is comparable to its performance on text-only inputs, making it more versatile in accomplishing a variety of tasks.

More content in different languages

GPT-4 now can understand and generate content in multiple languages. This function was tested on the MMLU benchmark, which consists of multiple-choice problems in 57 subjects, translated into different languages using Azure Translate. The model was found to outperform existing language models, such as Chinchilla and PaLM, in languages other than English.

The teams at Sharesource are super excited about GPT-4 as they can see huge advantages in providing greater efficiencies for their partners.

✅ Listen to their experience on using this incredible AI tool:



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