Filling in-demand roles locally won’t get easier in 2024

As we approach the end of 2023, our focus naturally turns to the prospects of 2024, particularly in terms of job opportunities in Australia and the evolving dynamics of workforce demand.

The latest LinkedIn report sheds light on the most sought-after professions in 2024, creating a positive landscape for skilled professionals seeking new avenues. However, it also highlights challenges for employers, especially in securing local talent for high-demand positions.

Australia is positioned as a prime destination for professionals with expertise in sectors like health, engineering, ICT, and science, with a notable emphasis on the environmental sector due to the country's increasing commitment to clean energy initiatives. 

The report indicates a shortage of skilled workers in key white-collar professions, with 36% of all occupations facing shortages in the past year. This shortage has grown from 286 professions in 2022 to 332 this year, suggesting a sustained trend.

While job seekers with current skills and a willingness to adapt are well-placed in this scenario, businesses, especially in specialised high-tech areas and regional settings, encounter challenges in attracting and retaining local talent. A notable trend is the growing reliance on global talent pools, reflecting a shift toward remote teams to address staffing gaps.

About Sharesource

As an Australian-owned business with over ten years of experience, Sharesource specialises in connecting skilled professionals from Vietnam and the Philippines with the evolving needs of Australian businesses. The focus extends beyond recruitment to encompass ongoing support, training, and coaching, ensuring that businesses not only secure top talent but also optimize their potential. In this landscape, Sharesource emerges as a valuable solution.

Sharesource's approach proves to be a win-win for both talented individuals in developing countries and businesses navigating the complexities of workforce dynamics. In an era where adaptability is key, Sharesource acts as a conduit, facilitating a mutually beneficial relationship between skilled professionals and forward-thinking businesses in Australia, emphasising the transition toward remote teams as a strategic response to the evolving demands of the job market.


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