With companies offering a hybrid work environment that blends work from the office with remote work, ensuring an aligned culture that applies to the entire workforce while supporting the values of the organisation is more important than ever. Providing your employees with a reboarding strategy can help ensure the best outcome as they settle back from up to two years of COVID induced work from home.
Culture Drivers
Re-onboarding, or what we call ‘Reboarding’, is not simply reminding your employees how things used to be. In this new hybrid work environment, it is a reminder of the company’s culture as a reflection of the new way of getting the job done, as well as the expectations of your employees. It also gives managers at all levels a shared direction, and new policies and procedures for them and their team members to follow.
In its report, ‘State of the Global Workplace, 2021’, Gallup outlines five main drivers of organisational culture that collectively shape how managers and employees conduct themselves, make decisions and accomplish their work in a permanent flexible work environment.
1. Leadership and Communication
How we lead and communicate will influence how employees behave in terms of reflecting your company values. Nothing has changed as this has always been the case.
However, during COVID, Gallup found that in the beginning, employee engagement rose with increased transparency and communication. Over time, as we started to perceive the crisis was over this level of engagement slowed down.
Now, as we settle into a new work ‘norm’, engagement levels around changes in culture, policies, and procedures need to increase and be sustained in order to maintain trust in your leadership.
2. Delivering on your Values
Values reinforce the tone for how employees interact with others and get work done. Typically, companies reflect their values in a myriad of different ways. For example, Friday afternoon social drinks, or managers walking around to informally ‘check in’ on their team members. In this new work regime, companies must be more mindful of how they exemplify their values to every employee no matter where they are because the old ways may no longer be relevant.
One thing that is certain is the best way to share values is by encouraging feedback on what works best for your employees rather than ‘go it alone’.
3. Human Capital
One of the deep beliefs that Sharesource holds is that success is all about ‘people’. The third culture driver is all about having a people-centred approach that is in tune with what your employees want and need in the new work regime.
Doing this successfully will necessitate managers to seek to understand their employee’s individual and personal needs. By doing this, they can ensure team members are performing and coping well with whatever work looks like for them.
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution because each team member is seeking a work-life balance that suits them, at their life stage. For example, a new parent will be different than it is for an associate who takes care of an ailing family member. Flexibility doesn’t mean it’s a ‘free for all’ but it does mean that managers will need to have both the authority and understanding to find the right balance for everyone in the team.
4. Work Teams and Structures
One of the benefits of the new hybrid work structure is the increased confidence companies now have in finding the best talent from anywhere in the world, regardless of their physical location.
Sharesource is an example of an organisation that has successfully achieved this for many years. However, its success would not possible without structures in place that ensure every team member feels valued and is engaged to achieve their best.
As more companies seek the best talent globally, having the right technology, procedures, and structures are critical. These need to be well considered so that everyone, no matter where they may be working on that day, feels included, valued, and have a strong sense of belonging.
5. Performance
Not everyone in an organisation is a natural manager which is why it is critical that all managers are provided with coaching and tools that assist them in performance managing their teams. This is even more critical now when you consider that this includes managing from afar.
Performance managing does not mean ‘micro managing’ which is the risk that can occur when a team member is working away from the office, and therefore ‘out of sight’. Performance management must involve good communication and trust, while the procedures in place provide the tools to measure performance without the need to micro-manage.
Investing in managers by teaching them to coach and develop their team members can be the difference between employees feeling cared for and able to perform at their best or feeling like they are in the dark and not trusted.
Sharesource ’lives and breathes’ these five cultural drivers and is confident that the systems and procedures in place provide a strong platform for success for its global clients, as well as ensuring team members can achieve their best, and in doing so become future global leaders.
Read more about the success stories of our smart team members in the Philippines and Vietnam.
If you want to learn more about what Reboarding is and how to reboard you team, watch the Growth Tool Video below.
Growth Tool Promotion
What is Reboarding?
Returning to the office comes with social and emotional concerns for employees. Your Reboarding strategy plays a critical role in ensuring that your employees' return to work is a positive outcome for them and your business.
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