Rally, Reports Analyst.
Life can throw you curveballs but I have learnt to catch them and move on.
Leaving my home in Davao to complete my Computer Science degree was really tough for me. Settling in, especially as I had to repeat the first year that I had done at a university closer to home, in addition to leaving my family and friends, was really hard-going. I also found it difficult to develop new friendships; I was truly homesick.
Things seemed to get harder as my studies became more complex. I felt like I had no one to turn to for support. No one to lean on. There were good times in between it all of course. My family visited me every few weeks and by my last year the few Computer Science thesis classmates I had developed really bolstered me. Four years is a long time to spend feeling more down than up though.
I finally graduated and began my first foray into the professional world. I was excited to be working however when the reality hit I realised that this was going to be a job that really tested my resilience.
At this time my younger siblings were living with me, which meant I had to balance running a household with working full time. The job involved working the ‘graveyard’ shift (9.00pm – 5.00am) for a call centre. It involved a long commute and was poorly paid; and it didn’t take long for me to realise that lack of sleep was impacting on my health, both mind and body. I realised after five months that I had to look after myself so I made the hard decision to quit my job with nowhere else to go. It was the best birthday present I had ever received as it gave me the breathing space I needed to think about my future.
I never lost faith that a better job would come though, and was so excited when a job with Sharesource landed in my lap. It was fantastic to work for a company that was offering their staff meaningful work, and I cannot tell you how much this changed my life for the better. Suddenly my days were spent in a caring, supportive environment where I was trusted and given autonomy to bring value to my team. It’s such a great feeling when you’re given responsibility - and you can prove that you can deliver!
After just sixteen months in this awesome environment, the client I was working for decided to change their team structure meaning I was no longer required. The good news however was that after only a short break I was one of four people that Sharesource found another position for, and took me back into their fold.
Need I try and describe how relieved and grateful I was? I am part of a professional leadership team where I’m given opportunities to grow and realise my true potential. My communication skills are really thriving in the open, transparent and accountable culture that I’m lucky enough to be a part of every day.
I know that life is so often about one curveball after another being thrown your way. The difference is that now I understand the importance of having supportive and caring people around you. People that you can lean on and talk to and trust. No one is meant to be alone - we need each other.
The point of my story is - just keep going and persevere even when the curveball hits you hard. There will always be times when you’re tested and you feel like the odds are against you. If you surround yourself with good people, people that will be there for you when the going gets tough, it lessens any struggle you might be facing. Believe me. I know!
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